May 12Liked by Speardove Post

Protestantism may be the hidden grammar of the American Empire, but Satanism is the hidden grammar of Protestantism.


Conspicuous by its absence from Todd’s list of foundational revolutions was the revolutionary decade of the 1640s in England, which preceded the Glorious Revolution by 40 years. Todd, for some reason, omitted the prime example of the Revolutionary spirit in both England and New England, namely, the Puritans, who are doubly significant because of their overt and obvious link to the Jewish revolutionary spirit, but also because one of the most famous Puritans was John Milton, the man who wrote the Protestant epic Paradise Lost, which portrayed Satan as the patron saint of Protestantism. Both William Blake and Percy Bysshe Shelley believed that Satan was the hero of Paradise Lost:

They both critiqued Milton’s Satan by finding several imperfections in Paradise Lost. Both tried to surpass Milton by creating their own perfect version of Milton’s Satan. Shelley goes a step beyond Blake when designing his Satan by producing a new tragic hero that does not have a hamartia.[46]

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May 12Liked by Speardove Post

Being is communion.

Hell is the Fall into the prideful self.


Who am I and what am I to do?

The Subject cannot know itself.

The Subject cannot know others.

The Subject cannot become itself.


The Subject is self- conscious.

The Subject is conscious of Others.

The Subject maintains its identity over time.

The Subject is nor what it is.

Consciousness is the consciousness of something other than itself. (G Marcel)

He who lives to the self shall die and he who dies to the self shall live in eternity.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Pray for your own discovery.





The joy of self -forgetfulness and the fulness of being.

Political Aporia

The extreme of personal freedom (neo-liberalism unchained from the moral order- solipsism, scepticism, materialism, nihilism, Do as though wilt, Satanism of the West) against the extreme of  Obedience ( submission of the individual to the fascist State, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, )

What is the mediation- autonomous understanding and obedience to love/self sacrifice- Kenosis.


"I  am here to see my gynaecologist "

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May 12Liked by Speardove Post

Jewish Hegemony

Federal Reserve Chairman

Alan Greenspann

Tim Geithner

Ben Shalom Bernanke

Janet Yellon.

International Bankers:

David Solomon

Wienburg family


JP Morgan Chase

Wallenburgs in Sweden


Little Isreal is an office located in the headquarters of BlackRock (Larry Fink)

At this stage of human history,  the Jews control the levers of power of the hegemon. Two wings of the same bird as described by Fr Coughlan of America First.

In 1976-WASPs'-  J D Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller handed over the baton of empire to their junior partners, the Jews.

In 1974, the Jewish power structure split after the publication of the Gulag Archipelago by Alexandre Solzhenitsyn.

Read the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Irving Kristol metamorphoses from a  Revolutionary Trotskyite to a Revolutionary Zionist after the revelation of Stalins regime in the Gulag Archipelago.(Jewish Bolshevism)

The Left Ashkenazi Internationalist Trotskyites against the Right Sephardic Zionists for a Greater Isreal- both wings are jewish/dual citizens, and both are globalists with everyone else  the meat in the sandwich.

Two wings of the same bird.

In1976, Rockefellers met with Michel Foucault, the father of Cultural Marxism in San Francisco, Berkeley University.

The pact with the devil.

In return for the left not criticising the economic policies of the oligarchs;  the left would be given unlimited and unrestrained sexual liberation, with control over education and university.


Frankfurt School of Economics- the Jewish Intelligentsia- separation of Church and State, Removing the Production code on Hollywood,  Pornography, legalising Contraception, Divorcee, Homosexuality, Abortion, Same sex marriages, Mass migration,  ESG, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, LGBT and Drag Queen story hour.

From Transgenderism to Transhumanism by Martina Rothblatt.

Universities in the West are now Yeshivas- they indoctrinate pupils on what to think (Noahide laws) and not how to think (Greek miracle)


Neo-cons is code for Jews.

The Biden Cabinet has 27 out of 30 jews at positions of Secretary of State or Ass Secretary of State. Altogether 457 members of the tribe in the Biden administration.

Neo-cons is code for Jews.

Institute for Study of War- Kimberly Kagan.

American Enterprise Institute- Frederick Kagan.

US State Dept- Victoria Nuland Kagan.

Brookings Institute- Robert Kagan.

All one big Zionist family.

Leo Strauss- Neo-cons- PNAC- Clean Break plan- Wolfowitz, Pearl, Cherztof- Kristol- Kagan- Nuland- policy of perpetual war in the Middle East for the Greater Israeli Project.

Perpetual war and mass migration to destroy European homogeneity and civilisational by importing division and violence to instrumentalise 'divide and conquer' strategies.

GENOCIDE is the engine of globalism and the big LIE is its fuel.

In other words, Zionism is the DRIVING FORCE of the Western military alliance. It drives NATO. It drives the EU military build-up. And of course, it drives the United States in the build up to war against Russia.

Chabad Lubavitch-

The Eschatology of Jewish supremacist racial theology.

Rabbi Schneerson- Messiah

Rabbi Kahane- Kahanism.

Rabbi Kook


Scholarly and brilliantly sourced books by Dr E Michael Jones 

Degenerate Moderns.

Modernity as Rationalised Sin

Libido Dominandi 

Sexual Liberation as a form of Political Control 

Barren Metal 

Capitalism as the conflict between Labour and Usury.

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit 

The Slaughter of Cities.

Urban Renewal as a form of Erhic Cleansing. 

Dionysius Rising

Logos is Rising.

A History of Ultimate Reality

The Danger of Beauty.

The Conflict between Mimesis and Concupiscence.

The Holocaust Narrative.



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May 12Liked by Speardove Post

Thwarting the 4th Turning

Fourth Reich

Fourth Industrial Revolution

A Technocratic and Bureaucratic Society of Controlled Assumptions.


Creative Destruction

Public Private Partnership aka Corporate Fascism- the merger of State and Global Corporations plundering the treasury.

Digital Possession

Totalitarian Evolutionary Transhumanism.



Towards Dark Enlightenment

Towards  Multi-polar New World Order





Essence of "Globalization 4.0".

The open "transformation" of global governance to the multipolar system is simply the public disclosure of that which was already extant. The New World Order has been repackaged as "multipolar" and is now being advocated as some kind of escape hatch from itself.

On 30 September 2022, President Putin issued Decree No. 693 "on the definition of an organisation that ensures the development of a digital technologies for identification and authentication". It establishes the Centre for Biometric Technologies Joint Stock Company (CBT JSC). The Russian Government will own 26% of the stock directly, the central bank 25%, and the state-owned telecommunications corporation, Rostelecom, will own 49%.




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Thanks for those comments and links Frank. Going through them now.

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